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ASGA Solar Grazing Census

In order to capture the most accurate and comprehensive picture of solar grazing in the United States to date, the American Solar Grazing Association (ASGA) is conducting the first ever U.S. solar grazing census. The census is supported by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory between September 15 - December 31, 2023. All answers will remain anonymous and are used for research and educational purposes only.
The survey is expected to take 5-15 minutes of your time and every survey respondent will receive $10 off the cost of an ASGA membership.*
In addition, all survey respondents will be entered into a drawing to receive a $100 Amazon gift card and special gifts from ASGA. Please answer each question to the best of your ability.
If you are filling out this survey on behalf of your company or organization, make sure to specify that in answer to the last question on this page. Thank you!
*If you're a current member, you'll receive a discount code to apply to your next yearly membership renewal

Basic Details

Demographic Information


Are you answering this survey as an individual or for a business/organization representing 2 or more solar graziers?