ASGA Teatime Replay: Sheep Handling Systems for Solar Grazing

2024 02 Handling Systems Teatime1
ASGA Teatime Replay: Sheep Handling Systems for Solar Grazing 1

For this Teatime, Premier1 gave us an overview of the basics of sheep handling systems and why you need them. We also heard from five suppliers and manufacturers who discussed their different equipment options. They gave us a thorough overview of handling system setups that solar graziers can use and a good sense of what’s available on the market.

The presentations went over basic principles, including aligning with sheep instincts, identifying common management tasks, and assembling the basic components of an efficient system. During the discussion we also talked about the unique challenge that solar grazing presents for handling systems, including the need to be mobile and portable for grazing solar arrays.

The recording is a great resource for learning what equipment options are out there and seeing how new handling systems are advancing the sheep industry. Here is a list of companies that joined the call:

  • Premier1
  • Lakeland
  • Proway
  • Stegall Fabrication
  • Portayards
  • Prattley

Hosts: Kevin Richardson (ASGA) & Caroline Owens

Our ASGA event recordings are available to members of ASGA’s online network. Not a member? Please join us here!

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