Coming Soon: Solar Grazing Best Practices

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Presented by the American Solar Grazing Association in partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

The Best Practices report is designed to help graziers and solar developers navigate solar grazing in a way that will provide maximum benefits. This guide will cover topics involved with the different stages of solar grazing.

  • Policies & incentives
  • Design & construction
  • Operation & management
  • Partnerships & outreach
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The Best Practices presented by the American Solar Grazing Association (ASGA) is made possible through the partnership of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and their InSPIRE project.

Due to release by December 2024, we’ll share the Best Practices in two different formats. The full technical report will be available, ensuring solar developers and graziers have access to the most up-to-date knowledge to optimize the benefits of solar grazing.

A more condensed and interactive version of the report will also be available as a StoryMap. This format is designed for easy access to the main highlights of the report. We hope these formats will be helpful for all those who support solar grazing.

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