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ASGA Webinars

ASGA Call #39: Solar Grazing in Australia

March 3, 2021 @ 6:00 pm 7:00 pm EST

We are excited to announce ASGA’s March 3, 2021 Webinar #39

ASGA Guests:

Anna Freeman, Director Energy Generation & Lucinda Tonge, Policy Officer

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Clean Energy Council, Australia

The Clean Energy Council has been working on a case study of solar grazing in Australia. Our guests have spent the past year interviewing sheep producers and solar firms across Australia. Their report is forthcoming. They will be presenting live to ASGA before its official release (March 11). 


With thanks to: our ASGA hosts Lexie Hain and a second member of our board of directors, to be announced


We look forward to having you join us.  


Thank you to our March Sponsor, Great Rock Farm, MA, with Alan Aulson !

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ASGA Call #39: Solar Grazing in Australia 1

You can find their listing on map.solargrazing.org
