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ASGA Webinars

ASGA Call #56: SEIA Explains the U.S. Solar Panel Tariff Investigation and Its Impacts

July 13, 2022 @ 6:00 pm 7:00 pm EDT

Join us to hear the Solar Energy Industries Association’s Amir Yazdi discuss the anti-dumping tariff investigation on solar panel imports that has caused widespread disruptions to the solar industry.

Note: This is a special second July webinar happening the second week of the month 

Background on the Solar Tariff Investigation:
In February, a small solar module manufacturer filed a petition with the Department of Commerce seeking to impose anti-dumping duties on solar imports from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Commerce’s decision to initiate the investigation left solar panel imports vulnerable to retroactive tariffs of up to 250%.

The possibility of retroactive tariffs on the majority of solar imports froze project construction, reducing the availability of sites to graze and leading to long-term impacts for graziers. The case caused deployment estimates to be slashed until a Presidential Proclamation delayed the implementation of any potential tariffs until June 2024.

It goes without saying that this issue significantly impacts ASGA members. To help us navigate the issue, Amir Yazdi from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) will present to ASGA members on the tariff case, impacts, and next steps. We’ll have a Q&A after his presentation.

In preparation for the webinar, we ask that folks review SEIA’s latest guidance on the tariff case:

▶️ US Solar Industry Sees Worst Quarter Since 2020 | SEIA

▶️ President Biden’s Action Saves Solar Jobs, Invests in American Solar Manufacturing | SEIA

▶️ Bipartisan Lawmakers Representing Nearly 200 Million Americans Unite Against Solar Tariff Case | SEIA   

Hosts: Kevin Richardson (ASGA), ASGA Outreach Coordinator, and Jonathan Barter, ASGA Board President

About the Speaker

Yazdi Amir Sep17

Amir Yazdi: As Deputy General Counsel, Amir works on SEIA’s consumer protection, manufacturing, and international trade initiatives along with providing in-house legal support to the association. Prior to SEIA, Amir earned his B.S. in Physics from the College of William & Mary and J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law.

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