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ASGA Webinars

ASGA Call 71: Sheep Health in Solar Systems

October 4, 2023 @ 6:00 pm 7:00 pm EDT

Whether you’re just getting into solar grazing or you’re a long-time sheep farmer, managing sheep health in solar grazing is a major pain point that requires ongoing attention and accumulated experience. Preparing for common health issues and for the unexpected are key to keeping the sheep happy and your grazing operation running smoothly.

For our October 2023 ASGA Call, we’ve put together a panel of veterinarians and experienced graziers to discuss how they handle some of the biggest health issues that come up in a solar grazing system. 

On the panel will be Cindy Wolf, a veterinarian from the University of Minnesota, Judy St. Leger, a veterinary pathologist and solar grazier, and Caroline Owens, an ASGA Board Member with a long history raising sheep and an experienced solar grazier. Judy and Caroline are both Founding ASGA Members.

The panel will discuss a range of topics and, in the second half of the event they’ll answer your sheep health questions.

The information will be useful not only to new and experienced solar graziers, but to solar developers and site managers as well.

Come to the event ready to ask your health-related questions!

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The topics they’ll take up include:

  • Foot health: What do you need to know about it and What are the different conditions you need to watch out for?
  • Parasites: What are the best approaches to managing parasites on solar sites?
  • Near death experiences: How do you handle you’re sheep becoming unwell on a solar site and how do you catch it?
  • What every solar grazier should put in their sheep first aid box: What equipment do you need to bring to a solar site?
  • Overwintering: What are the health concerns with overwintering and winter housing, including the risks of co-mingling multiple flocks?
  • Herd Health While Scaling Up: What are the risks you run into when you’re growing your flock quickly?

Are there any health questions missing from the list that you would like addressed? Drop your question in the comments below or bring them to the event and we’ll make sure to address it during the Q&A!

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