Solar Grazing with Carolina Solar Services: ASGA Call 28

Guests Zach Hobbs & Brock Phillips, Carolina Solar Services. Grazing is just part of the Carolina Solar Services portfolio of services. Their flocks are based in North Carolina. A neat operation with high standards for performance in the industry, it's a pleasure to have them join our call. Carolina Solar Services on Instagram ASGA Hosts:…

ASGA Call 29: Don Lewis from Lewis Land & Stock of Ontario, Canada

Please join us Wednesday, May 6th for the next American Solar Grazing Association call with guest Don Lewis from Lewis Land & Stock of Ontario, Canada.  Grazing is just part of the Lewis Land & Stock portfolio of services. Their flocks are based north of Guelph, Ontario.  Grazing their own solar arrays with a contract,…

ASGA Call 30: Trent Hendricks of Cabriejo Ranch, Missouri

Join us! June 3rd for our 30th Call ASGA Hosts: Caleb Scott, Scott Land Yard Group & ASGA Lexie Hain, ASGA GUESTS Featured Guest: Trent Hendricks of Cabriejo Ranch, a seasoned grazier, he operates a solar grazing network based out of his holistically managed ranch in Missouri. Special Guests: Ernst Pollinator Service at Meadville Land…

ASGA Call 31: Solar & Pollinators & Honey

Please join us Wednesday, July 1st for the next American Solar Grazing Association call with guest Rob Davis of the Center for Pollinators In Energy & Dustin Vanesse from Bare Honey​ Solar grazing, solar honey, and good practices in grazing go hand in hand. Call Guests: Rob Davis Dustin Vanesse Call Hosts: Dr Judy St…

ASGA Call 32: 200 acres of solar make hay, honey and lamb

Welcome to August, ASGA subscribers. Our call this month will start at 6 PM EST on Wednesday August 5th. Learn about operations at Arnprior Solar, a 200 acre solar array managed by Shady Creek Lamb Company and EDF-Renewables. Hosting Gees Bees Honey since 2016, this site in Ontario has a wonderful cast of characters. Come…

ASGA Call 34: Solar Grazing Research with Cornell’s Dr Niko Kochendoerfer

Hello Friends of ASGA, We are pleased to announce our October 7th call – grazing, soil carbon and pollinators. You'll learn about a multiyear experiment at a 50+ acre Cascadilla Community Solar Farm at Cornell University with the project lead, Dr Nikola Kochendoerfer. With one full year into the project, we can learn about what…

ASGA Call 35: Deep Dive with 4 Experts: Solar Project Development & Construction, CoLocation

Hi ASGA friends, We've got an outstanding team for November. Call Guests: Lian Niu, managing member at Eitri Foundry Christopher McCabe, Director of Operations, Eitri FoundryVermont Dept of Agriculture's Alex DePillis Vermont's Grazing Specialist Kimberly Hagen Eitri Foundry has developed projects in Vermont and nearby states. Vermont has a very carefully managed solar development process and would like to ensure more solar grazing. Let's…

ASGA Call #36: Processing & Marketing, Solar Grazing, and Farming & Solar Synergies

Hi friends, Join the call to hear from three phenomenal guests!  Matt LeRoux, Agriculture Marketing Consultant  Tips for processing and marketing during COVID: A focus on the crisis consumer, creating commodity friendly bulk lamb and processing issues.   Jonathan Barter, ASGA & Delaware River Solar Establishing a solar grazing program in New York: opportunities and challenges…

ASGA Call #37: Oregon State Solar Grazing

Hi ASGA friends, Join our first call of the New Year! The team at Oregon State is doing piles of work to document sheep health and solar grazing, sheep management and insect biodiversity, forage growth and more.  Some research is published, others are in the works.  Just out is the paper Pasture Production and Lamb Growth…