ASGA Call 35: Deep Dive with 4 Experts: Solar Project Development & Construction, CoLocation

Hi ASGA friends, We've got an outstanding team for November. Call Guests: Lian Niu, managing member at Eitri Foundry Christopher McCabe, Director of Operations, Eitri FoundryVermont Dept of Agriculture's Alex DePillis Vermont's Grazing Specialist Kimberly Hagen Eitri Foundry has developed projects in Vermont and nearby states. Vermont has a very carefully managed solar development process and would like to ensure more solar grazing. Let's…

ASGA Call #36: Processing & Marketing, Solar Grazing, and Farming & Solar Synergies

Hi friends, Join the call to hear from three phenomenal guests!  Matt LeRoux, Agriculture Marketing Consultant  Tips for processing and marketing during COVID: A focus on the crisis consumer, creating commodity friendly bulk lamb and processing issues.   Jonathan Barter, ASGA & Delaware River Solar Establishing a solar grazing program in New York: opportunities and challenges…

ASGA Call #37: Oregon State Solar Grazing

Hi ASGA friends, Join our first call of the New Year! The team at Oregon State is doing piles of work to document sheep health and solar grazing, sheep management and insect biodiversity, forage growth and more.  Some research is published, others are in the works.  Just out is the paper Pasture Production and Lamb Growth…

ASGA Call #38: Planning the solar grazing season with pasture management expertise

Two experts in pasture management will join us this February evening to help us think about planning our 2021 grazing season.   They'll help with your questions like... How many sheep per acre?  Joining us will be Agronomist Kitty O'Neil of Cornell Cooperative Extension-NY and USDA/NRCS Resource Conservationist  Karen Hoffman to get us on the…

ASGA Call #39: Solar Grazing in Australia

We are excited to announce ASGA's March 3, 2021 Webinar #39 ASGA Guests: Anna Freeman, Director Energy Generation & Lucinda Tonge, Policy Officer Clean Energy Council, Australia The Clean Energy Council has been working on a case study of solar grazing in Australia. Our guests have spent the past year interviewing sheep producers and solar firms across…

ASGA Call #40: Kathy Voth Talks Grazing + Agrivoltaics Grad Student Policy Talk

Please join us and our two fabulous guests for April's ASGA call! Kathy Voth of On Pasture and Alexis Pascaris of Michigan Technical University speak on agrivoltaics & policy. Kathy is the founder and publisher of On Pasture, the most read grazing publication today. She's also known for creating a simple method for teaching cows (and…

ASGA Call #41: Solar Grazing in Kentucky

Our Presenters: Aron Patrick,  Kelley Yates and Michael Moore   Your hosts: Judy St Leger of Dutch Barn Farm & Lexie Hain  Our topic:  Solar Grazing In Kentucky: A unique collaboration.  Watch the lambcam and get excited! About our presenters: Aron Patrick is the manager of Technology Research and Analysis for LG&E and KU. Aron is responsible for managing research on technologies that improve how LG&E and KU…

ASGA Call #42: Bee the Change, VT and Solar Grazing Trial, California

ASGA Celebrates Pollinator Month Presenters Mike Kiernan, Founder of Bee the Change, VermontRuss Young, Head of Operations for Engie, RenewablesEmma Kampherbeek, Master's Student The Netherlands Wageningen University & California Polytechnic Institute ASGA Hosts Jonathan Barter and Lexie Hain About Mike Kiernan & Bee the Change Bee the Change was founded by Mike Kiernan and his wife Tawnya…

ASGA Call #43: North Carolina Solar Grazing

North Carolina Solar Grazing: Highlights and Lessons from the team at NC Choices +  Carolina Solar Services Presented by Lee Menius, Technical Program Coordinator, NC Choices & Johnny Rogers, Amazing Grazing Program, Center for Environmental Farming Systems & Brock Phillips Livestock Manager & Zach Hobbes, CEO at Carolina Solar Services With ASGA Hosts Daniel Finnegan of Solar Shepherd LLC and Lexie Hain The Beginning Farmer Project produced Solar Grazing Budget by…

ASGA Webinar #44: Solar Grazing with Nexamp & Texas Native Seeds talks solar

PLEASE JOIN US FOR TWO PRESENTATIONS  Nexamp's Ryan Kelliher Solar Grazing: The On-Ramp to Agrivoltaics  & Native Seeds for Texas Solar Projects? A proposal for solar by East Texas Native Seeds, presented by Tyler Wayland  ASGA hosts: Caleb Scott of Scott Land Yard Group; VP of ASGA & Lexie Hain  PRESENTERS Ryan Kelliher,  Program Manager, Research & Innovation, Nexamp Ryan started his solar career building and installing…

ASGA Webinar #45: Oregon State NEWAg Lab

Oregon State's NEWAg Lab presents their Agrivoltaics Work Join Oregon State University's NEWAg Lab  for a virtual introduction to their research on agrivoltaic systems! The NEWAg (Nexus of Energy, Water, and Agriculture) Lab, studies the physical, operational and geospatial connections in the energy-water-food nexus. NEWAg been studying agrivolatic (solar + agricutlure) systems since 2016, with projects…

ASGA Call #46: ASGA Talks about Overcoming Adversity in Solar Grazing

Join the ASGA Board of Directors in a live panel event. Board members will share stories of their experiences getting their first contracts to graze, gathering flocks, and other challenges of our business. Our presenter Board Members will take questions. Presented by: Judy St LegerDaniel FinneganLewis FoxTrent Hendricks??Caleb ScottLexie HainJonathan Barter Moderated and hosted by:…

ASGA Call #47: Solar sheep and soil health, plus American Farmland Trust talks agrivoltaics research

Join Hosts Daniel Finnegan and Lexie Hain as they talk with American Farmland Trust-New England and the New Mexico Healthy Soils Working Group. With thanks to our sponsor & longtime collaborators at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University:  Special guest Law Professor Jonathan Brown, Director of the Food and Beverage Law Clinic at the Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law.  His…

ASGA Call #48: Solar Grazing: Scaling Agrivoltaics and Associated Ecosystem Services

Presenters: Silicon Ranch's Michael Baute & Loran Shallenberger will present their Regenerative Energy programs and Churchtown Dairy farm manager Michael MacDonald reports on Solar Grazing and Water Quality. Speakers: Michael MacDonald, Farm Manager at Churchtown Dairy, a regenerative farm, and ASGA Advisor.  Working in the Hudson River Valley of New York State at a grazing dairy, with…

ASGA Call #49: HAWAII: Community Solar & Solar Grazing

Presenters: Nexamp's @Julie Beauchemin will present Community Solar Development in Hawaii and Olsen Enterprise's Raia Olsen reports on Solar Grazing in Hawaii Speakers: Keith Hevenor, Director of Communications at Nexamp will introduce Nexamp's work with ASGA in 2021.   Director of Business Development  @Julie Beauchamin at Nexamp will introduce both how community solar and community solar development works, then discuss the status…

ASGA Call #50: Large-Site Solar Grazing at Topaz Solar Farm

For this month’s webinar, we’re heading west to hear all about grazing at the 550-megawatt Topaz Solar Farm in San Luis Obispo County, CA. Katie Brown from Althouse and Meade, Inc will talk about the development of this unique project, which was at the time of its completion the largest solar project in the world with over 9 million panels and producing…