Solar Grazing with Carolina Solar Services: ASGA Call 28

Guests Zach Hobbs & Brock Phillips, Carolina Solar Services. Grazing is just part of the Carolina Solar Services portfolio of services. Their flocks are based in North Carolina. A neat operation with high standards for performance in the industry, it's a pleasure to have them join our call. Carolina Solar Services on Instagram ASGA Hosts:…

ASGA Call 29: Don Lewis from Lewis Land & Stock of Ontario, Canada

Please join us Wednesday, May 6th for the next American Solar Grazing Association call with guest Don Lewis from Lewis Land & Stock of Ontario, Canada.  Grazing is just part of the Lewis Land & Stock portfolio of services. Their flocks are based north of Guelph, Ontario.  Grazing their own solar arrays with a contract,…

ASGA Call 30: Trent Hendricks of Cabriejo Ranch, Missouri

Join us! June 3rd for our 30th Call ASGA Hosts: Caleb Scott, Scott Land Yard Group & ASGA Lexie Hain, ASGA GUESTS Featured Guest: Trent Hendricks of Cabriejo Ranch, a seasoned grazier, he operates a solar grazing network based out of his holistically managed ranch in Missouri. Special Guests: Ernst Pollinator Service at Meadville Land…

ASGA Call 31: Solar & Pollinators & Honey

Please join us Wednesday, July 1st for the next American Solar Grazing Association call with guest Rob Davis of the Center for Pollinators In Energy & Dustin Vanesse from Bare Honey​ Solar grazing, solar honey, and good practices in grazing go hand in hand. Call Guests: Rob Davis Dustin Vanesse Call Hosts: Dr Judy St…

ASGA Call 32: 200 acres of solar make hay, honey and lamb

Welcome to August, ASGA subscribers. Our call this month will start at 6 PM EST on Wednesday August 5th. Learn about operations at Arnprior Solar, a 200 acre solar array managed by Shady Creek Lamb Company and EDF-Renewables. Hosting Gees Bees Honey since 2016, this site in Ontario has a wonderful cast of characters. Come…

ASGA Call 34: Solar Grazing Research with Cornell’s Dr Niko Kochendoerfer

Hello Friends of ASGA, We are pleased to announce our October 7th call – grazing, soil carbon and pollinators. You'll learn about a multiyear experiment at a 50+ acre Cascadilla Community Solar Farm at Cornell University with the project lead, Dr Nikola Kochendoerfer. With one full year into the project, we can learn about what…