Listen to Sheep + Solar, A Love Story

Outside/IN, “a show about the natural world and how we use it,” recently did an episode on sheep and solar. Below is an episode description shared on their website. Listen to the episode by clicking on the link below, visiting their website, or finding it wherever you get your podcasts.

We all know that a key part of addressing climate change involves getting off fossil fuels. But renewable energies, such as solar energy, are not without costs. One key cost? It uses a lot of land. The team at How to Save a Planet takes a look at one creative solution to this problem – mixing solar panels with agriculture. And they are not at all sheepish about the role of one very adorable four legged animal.

Featuring How to Save a Planet.

Judy St Leger with her solar sheep


Featured image credit: Sheep graze under the 35th Street Solar Array at Oregon State University. Photo by Mark Floyd on Flickr. CC BY-SA 2.0.

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