New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)

Study on Co-locating Agricultural Enterprises on Photovoltaic Sites




The American Solar Grazing Association (ASGA) will collect and analyze data on the agricultural, economic, and environmental impacts of co-locating agricultural enterprises such as commercial beekeeping and sheep grazing on photovoltaic sites. Additional project partners on the two-year study include the New England Division of American Farmland Trust and Juniper Economic Consulting.  ** Update, ASGA has included AgriSolar Consulting as a project collaborator. 

ASGA has begun recruiting beekeepers, shepherds, and solar sites and will continue enrollment until fall 2021.

The study sites ASGA seeks can have just beekeeping, just solar grazing, or a combination of both.

ASGA is also looking for several control sites.  These would be conventional, landscaper-managed mowed sites.   The study needs these for comparison purposes.

Qualifying study sites should be solar PV sites in operation by fall 2021.  These solar PV sites must be in the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Vermont, New Jersey, Ohio or Massachusetts.

Data will be collected during the 2022 and 2023 grazing seasons.  A report and outreach will follow in 2023 and 2024.

We've chosen SoGoSurvey as the software provider for survey administration.


We are now closed for new studies and will be making final decisions for our project shortly. Please contact if you would like more information.