ASGA Call #40: Kathy Voth Talks Grazing + Agrivoltaics Grad Student Policy Talk

Call Replay Available:

Hear from our two fabulous guests Kathy Voth of On Pasture, and Alexis Pascaris of Michigan Technical University as they speak on agrivoltaics & policy.

Call Guests:

Kathy is the founder and publisher of On Pasture, the most read grazing publication today. She’s also known for creating a simple method for teaching cows (and other livestock) to eat all of our most problematic weeds, and for her research on the logistics and success of using goats to graze firebreaks to protect homes and firefighters. She’s the author of two how-to books: Cows Eat Weeds and Goats for Firesafe Homes in Wildland Areas.

On Pasture Special Resource page for ASGA members 

Alexis Sophia Pascaris ( has several published papers just off the press in the emerging field of agrivoltaics policy (we’ll post them to the network prior to April 7).  Her research, including stakeholder engagement and policy analysis, is among the first to dive deep into the social and political dimensions of agrivoltaic system development in the U.S. During her time at Michigan Tech, she has had the opportunity to work as a research assistant on a Department of Energy funded project that is investigating the feasibility of a novel agrivoltaic concept: co-farming pasture fed rabbits and solar PV.  

Call Hosts: Erica Frenay of Shelterbelt Farm and Cornell Small Farms Program & Lexie Hain

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ASGA Call #40: Kathy Voth Talks Grazing + Agrivoltaics Grad Student Policy Talk 1
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