ASGA Call #45: Oregon State’s NEWAg Lab

Call Replay Available

Oregon State’s NEWAg Lab presents their Agrivoltaics Work

Join Oregon State University’s NEWAg Lab  for a virtual introduction to their research on agrivoltaic systems! The NEWAg (Nexus of Energy, Water, and Agriculture) Lab, studies the physical, operational and geospatial connections in the energy-water-food nexus. NEWAg been studying agrivolatic (solar + agricutlure) systems since 2016, with projects spanning livestock pastures, pollinator habitats, vegetable production, and follow farmlands. Their current research looks at changes in pasture nutrition, lamb weight gains, pollinator plant phenology and weed suppression in agrivoltaics.

Presenters: Professor Chad Higgins and Graduate Student Alyssa Andrew return to ASGA to present the updates from the NEWAg Laboratory

ASGA HostsErica Frenay, ASGA Board and Lexie Hain, ASGA

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all photos credit NEWAg Lab Oregon State

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