ASGA Call 67 Replay: Shepherding the future – Insights from Silicon Ranch’s Solar Grazing Programs in the Southeast

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ASGA Call 67 Replay: Shepherding the future - Insights from Silicon Ranch's Solar Grazing Programs in the Southeast 1

Jim Malooley from Silicon Ranch discussed their innovative, large-scale solar grazing programs in the Southeast and beyond for our June 2023 webinar

Silicon Ranch has developed exciting solar grazing programs to support regenerative agriculture, ensuring that their sites are managed intentionally to restore functioning grassland ecosystems while producing pasture-raised lamb and renewable solar energy.

Through their Self-Perform Program, Silicon Ranch trains shepherds to graze large flocks on the company’s solar sites, helping to bring local farmers into the solar grazing world and create long-term, sustainable solar grazing operations at their sites.

In addition to working with their in-house local farmers, Silicon Ranch develops regional partnerships with farmers to help them build their solar grazing operations and careers, including working with them to optimize grazing conditions (fencing, water development, and other infrastructure) on sites. This is part of Silicon Ranch’s efforts to support the growth of careers in agrivoltaics and shepherding in rural communities while pursuing renewable agriculture goals.

As a part of their work to restore soil health and biodiversity, they cultivate multi-species grasses to prevent erosion, reduce fire fuel, and mitigate shade.

Silicon Ranch owns and operates all of their solar projects, putting them in a good position for setting up sites for effective, long-term grazing and agrivoltaics programs.

Jim also discussed their genetics work with the NSIP to adapt parasite-resistant breeds for grazing in the Southeast.

Date: June 06, 2023

Host: Kevin Richardson

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