ASGA Teatime Replay: Approaching a Solar Company and Things to Know Before Making Your Pitch

2024 01 ASGA Teatime Cornell Survey Co ops1
ASGA Teatime Replay: Approaching a Solar Company and Things to Know Before Making Your Pitch 1

How do you approach a solar company, what are the questions you should ask, and what boxes do you need to check off before you make your pitch to them?

For our first 2024 Teatime, we put together a panel of experienced solar graziers and solar site operators to talk about what to expect when reaching out to solar sites and making your pitch to graze the site. Each one shared their experience of dos and don’ts when going after a solar grazing contract.

The panel answered the following questions:

1. When first approaching a solar company to graze their site, what kinds of things do you need to communicate to them and what is the company looking for?
2. What questions should prospective solar graziers ask the asset owner/operator?
3. What are the key things to do when preparing your bid for the grazing/vegetation management contract?

In the second half of the event, we had a lively open discussion with graziers in the audience.


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