ASGA Call #56: SEIA Explains the U.S. Solar Panel Tariff Investigation and Its Impacts

Join us to hear the Solar Energy Industries Association’s Amir Yazdi discuss the anti-dumping tariff investigation on solar panel imports that has caused widespread disruptions to the solar industry. Note: This is a special second July webinar happening the second week of the month  Background on the Solar Tariff Investigation:In February, a small solar module…

ASGA Call 57: NYSERDA’s New Dual-Use Strategies

NOTE: The August webinar will be held the 2nd Tuesday of month instead of the customary 1st Wednesday For our August webinar, we’ll be hosting Jeremy Wyble (NYSERDA) and Jessica Bacher (Pace Law) to present NYSERDA’s recently-released 2022 Smart Solar Siting Scorecard and go through the strategies that the scorecard establishes for co-utilization solar projects,…

ASGA Call 58: High Quality Forage & Cool-Season Hay at Solar Sites with Ohio State

What are the possibilities for hay on solar sites? For our September webinar, the folks from Ohio State Extension and Savion Energy will tell us about their experiments with cool-season hay and other high quality forages (crimson clover, alfalfa, teff grass) as effective vegetative cover for solar sites and discuss the implications for grazing.  The…

ASGA Call 59: Agrivoltaics and Solar Development that Benefits Communities and Ecosystems with Brian Ross, Great Plains Institute

The ongoing large-scale expansion of solar development will require installing solar on substantial acreage across the U.S. Addressing local concerns over the potential loss of farmland and local siting and regulatory issues represent major challenges to solar’s expansion.The Great Plains Institute’s (GPI) Brian Ross has been leading research on designing solar development in order to…

ASGA Call 60: Is It Time for Solar Wool? A Practical Conversation on Wool Production at Solar Sites (Part 1)

How viable is grazing wool sheep on solar sites? Does wool production have the potential to help make grazing more economically sustainable? What are potential benefits and challenges to implementation? On our November ASGA call we’ll be taking up the threads of solar wool and discussing its potential for solar graziers. ASGA Board Member Nick…

ASGA Call 61: Planning for an Agrivoltaics Future with Encore Renewable Energy

How can innovative agrivoltaics programs address local community concerns, including impacts on agricultural land? What does the future of agrivoltaics look like from the perspective of a solar and energy storage developer?Join us for our December webinar with Chad Farrell, Amber Lessard, and Lauren Glickman from Encore Renewable Energy, an innovator in community-scale renewable energy and B-Corp based…

ASGA Call 63: Pollinator Friendly Solar Sites with MNL

Join us for our February webinar with Minnesota Native Landscapes and their research partners on pollinator habitats at solar sites. Pollinator habitats continue to be an important issue for solar site development, both for their potential ecological benefits and because of their inclusion in legislation regulating dual use and solar siting. How pollinator habitats interact with grazing and vegetation management is a hot topic for the solar grazing world.

ASGA Call 64: Large-Site Solar Grazing, What Graziers Need to Know (Panel Discussion)

What does it take to manage a utility scale grazing and how do you get started? What are the roadblocks and what are the success stories? Join us for this panel discussion with ASGA members JR Howard, Ryan Indart, and Chad Raines who will answer your questions about utility-scale solar grazing and speak about their own experience, including…

Third Annual Membership Meeting of the American Solar Grazing Association

Last year was an incredible year of growth for solar grazing and ASGA. At the annual meeting, we will highlight ASGA's achievements from 2022 and give you a preview of the exciting developments you can expect to see in 2023.  Members can expect to: vote in new board members, meet your leadership team, learn about programming…

ASGA Call 65: Preparing for Utility-Scale Solar Grazing in the Northeast

What do solar graziers in New England and the Northeast need to know to prepare for grazing at scale? As a follow up to our March webinar on large-scale solar grazing in California and Texas, we've put together a discussion about scaling up to large site grazing in the northeastern United States. ASGA Members Alan…

ASGA Call 66: Opportunities for Solar Wool Part II – Soil Stability and Erosion Control for Renewable projects

Join us for our second webinar on potential markets for solar wool. For this webinar, we will explore the market opportunities for using U.S. wool fiber in erosion control products, which are used to stabilize weak soil.  Our speaker will be Rob Ament from Montana State University's Western Transportation Institute. He is pioneering domestic wool…

ASGA Call 67: Shepherding the future – Insights from Silicon Ranch’s Solar Grazing Programs in the Southeast

Note: our June webinar is happening on Tuesday June 6th instead of the normal first Wednesday of the month Join us for a webinar featuring Jim Malooley from Silicon Ranch. Jim will discuss their innovative, large-scale solar grazing programs in the Southeast and beyond. Silicon Ranch has developed exciting solar grazing programs to support regenerative…

ASGA Call 68: Making Agrivoltaics a Financial Success – Tools & Research Update from NREL

It’s been a little while since we last heard an update on NREL’s (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) agrivoltaics research programs and tools.  For our July webinar, we’re pleased to be joined by Jordan Macknick and James McCall who will provide an overview of their agrivoltaics research through the InSPIRE project, with a focus on their…

ASGA Call 69 – Turning Sheep Green: Solar Grazing’s Long-Term Emissions and Environmental Benefits

What are the climate and environmental impacts of adding sheep to solar sites? How does solar grazing compare to conventional solar sites and to conventional sheep production? The potential impact solar grazing may have on reducing emissions is an important growth area for the future of the industry. For this month’s webinar, we’re introducing some…

ASGA Call 70: Introducing ASGA Certification™ for Solar Grazing Training!

We are excited to launch ASGA Certification™ for Solar Grazing Training. This innovative program lends ASGA’s seal of approval to qualified training courses and their graduates. Certification recognizes educational programs teaching key topics and best management practices fundamental to using sheep to manage vegetation on solar energy sites. ​Once a program is certified, students successfully…