ASGA Call #39: Solar Grazing in Australia

Call Replay Available:

The Clean Energy Council has been working on a case study of solar grazing in Australia. Our guests have spent the past year interviewing sheep producers and solar firms across Australia. Their report is forthcoming. They will be presenting live to ASGA before its official release (March 11).

Call Guests:

Anna Freeman, Director Energy Generation & Lucinda Tonge, Policy Officer

Clean Energy Council, Australia


With thanks to: our ASGA hosts Lexie Hain and Lewis Fox 


Background: The first known Australian solar farm to implement grazing sheep was in 2015, coinciding with the deployment of large-scale solar farms in Australia. Since then, around 13 large-scale solar farms across the country have implemented solar grazing . The Clean Energy Council (CEC), which is the peak body for the clean energy industry in Australia working with over 800 of the leading businesses operating in and servicing the wind, solar, hydro, renewable hydrogen and energy storage sectors, has developed a guide on ‘agrisolar’, with a strong focus on solar grazing. The guide shares learnings from several case studies and aims to assist proponents of utility-scale solar, and the landholders and farmers who work with them, to integrate agricultural activities into solar farm projects.


About our guests: Anna Freeman, Policy Director for Energy Generation at the CEC, and Lucinda Tonge, Policy Officer, will talk to the development of solar grazing in Australia and will explore the learnings for proponents and graziers from the guide. The guide will be released next week on 11 March 2021 in line with the CEC’s annual Large-scale Solar Forum and will be available online.


Thank you to our March Sponsor, Great Rock Farm, MA, with Alan Aulson.

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