ASGA Call #55 Replay: July 5th, ASGA’s New Solar Grazing Map

Need to find a solar site to graze? Looking for graziers to bring their herds to your solar site?

ASGA is launching a new version of our Solar Grazing Map to help you. With this tool you can search for farmers who are grazing, look up solar sites, and more.

At this month’s webinar, we show you how to use the map and how to add your listings to it with a live demonstration.

Joining us for the call was Karen Edelstein from FracTracker Alliance, who built the map, and Ryan Clover from Maple Creative who worked with Karen and ASGA to develop the map. Ryan spoke to us about the history of the map and why we created it. Then, Karen showed us the map and explained its components and how to use it. After that, we went over the process for adding your listing to the map and did a live demonstration.

The map also provides the locations for ground-mounted utility-scale and community solar sites across the country based on the latest available data. As part of their membership, ASGA members will be able to add and update listings for the locations of their farm or solar site.

Hosts: ASGA Outreach Coordinator Kevin Richardson (ASGA)  and ASGA Board Member Lexie Hain hosted this month’s webinar.

Note: this webinar was on Tuesday, July 5th rather than the first Wednesday of the month, which is when we normally schedule the monthly call.

About the Speakers

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ASGA Call #55 Replay: July 5th, ASGA’s New Solar Grazing Map 1

Ryan Clover is the founder and digital gardener at Maple Creative and the Designer & Operations Strategist at Halt the Harm Network. Ryan provides creative and communications support for small businesses, educators, and non-profits to help them create a website and run a business that they are proud of. Ryan’s work involves developing and launching online courses, designing websites, and doing online event production. Previously, he was the director of the Durland Alternatives Library at Cornell. He is also a dad, songwriter, and budding orchardist.

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Karen Edelstein is the Eastern Program Coordinator at FracTracker Alliance. Karen’s work with FracTracker involves mapping oil and gas infrastructure and associated community responses, transitions to clean energy, and demographics of impacted communities. Primarily, she works on oil and gas development issues along the East Coast. Karen has been using GIS for environmental conservation and landscape planning since 1999. Prior to and while working with FracTracker, she has contributed her mapping expertise to county and municipal governments, land trusts, environmental groups, and grassroots community organizations.

With special thanks to our sponsor:

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Follow us on Instagram @asga_solargrazing

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