ASGA Call 74: Myth-Busting Facts About Sustainable Solar Development

Solar grazing offers an important avenue for making solar sites more ecologically sustainable, but how can solar developers design and manage sites to ensure the site is eco-friendly from construction all the way through decommissioning? ​Tyler Kanczuzewsk and his team from Inovateus Solar will join us to discuss approaches to building solar projects with eco-friendly…

ASGA Call 75: Digging into Vegetation and Soil Management Planning for Solar

Proper vegetation and soil management planning on solar sites is key to good land stewardship and setting up a project for successful vegetation cover. With the application of industry leading revegetation practices to prioritize soils, vegetation establishment and success, solar site development can have positive impacts on the foundation of these facilities with regards to…

ASGA’s Fourth Annual Membership Meeting

Join us for the Fourth Annual Membership Meeting of the American Solar Grazing Association! ​2023 was a groundbreaking year as ASGA's membership grew, we launched a number of new initiatives, and our members represented solar grazing and its benefits at events across the U.S.! We were excited to see solar grazing become even more important to…

ASGA Call 76: How Big Is Solar Grazing in the U.S.? (ASGA Census Results)

In September we invited you to take part in the first-ever U.S. Solar Grazing Census. We received an outstanding 129 responses and are ready to share some preliminary results!  ​For this month’s call we will share an updated picture of the scale and reach of solar grazing in the U.S. based on the census data.…

CFAR Solar Grazing Workshop: April 2024

Join us for a three-day workshop on solar grazing, an innovative approach to sustainable land use that combines renewable energy production with responsible livestock grazing. Led by experts from White Oak Pastures and solar site owners/managers, this unique experience offers a deep dive into the intricacies of solar grazing and its integration into diverse farm…

ASGA Call 77 – Northern Exposure: Agrivoltaics in Alaska and the Northern U.S.

We're heading north to check out what's happening with agrivoltaics in the higher latitudes for our May webinar. ​Alaska and the northern US are developing innovative agrisolar systems that respond to local food and energy needs. In this month’s webinar, we will explore the unique challenges and opportunities that northern agrivoltaics holds for farmers, solar…

ALB Solar Grazing Workshop: Temple, TX

Registration is now closed. The American Lamb Board is excited to offer a Three-day intensive ASGA-Certified Solar Grazing Training  for sheep producers across the US. Solar grazing provides an opportunity for both new and experienced producers to expand their sheep operations and maintain a sustainable business. This training will provide the education for graziers to…

ALB Solar Grazing Workshop: Roxboro, NC

The American Lamb Board is excited to offer a Three-day intensive ASGA-Certified Solar Grazing Training  for sheep producers across the US. Solar grazing provides an opportunity for both new and experienced producers to expand their sheep operations and maintain a sustainable business. This training will provide the education for graziers to succeed as vegetation management…

ASGA Call 78: Raising the Panels for Cattle Grazing

How do you make solar arrays cattle proof and what does cattle grazing under solar panels look like now? ​To provide an update on some of the latest developments in solar cattle, we’ve invited 3 sets of speakers to discuss how they’re integrating cattle grazing operations on community scale arrays on farms in Minnesota, Massachusetts,…

ALB Solar Grazing Workshop: Hopland, CA

The American Lamb Board is excited to offer a Three-day intensive ASGA-Certified Solar Grazing Training for sheep producers across the US. Solar grazing provides an opportunity for both new and experienced producers to expand their sheep operations and maintain a sustainable business. This training will provide the education for graziers to succeed as vegetation management…

Agrivoltaic Solutions Solar Grazing Training Program for the Northeast

Welcome to the Agrivoltaic Solutions Solar Grazing Training Program. This comprehensive course brings together insights from solar industry professionals, solar grazing managers, veterinarians, and livestock grazing experts to equip you with the skills needed to execute successful grazing operations within solar facilities across the Northeastern U.S. Throughout this program, participants will acquire practical knowledge on…

CFAR Solar Grazing Workshop: July 2024

Join us for a three-day workshop on solar grazing, an innovative approach to sustainable land use that combines renewable energy production with responsible livestock grazing. Led by experts from White Oak Pastures and solar site owners/managers, this unique experience offers a deep dive into the intricacies of solar grazing and its integration into diverse farm…

ASGA Call 80: The Ecosystem Dynamics of Solar Sheep and Cattle Grazing

What does the complete ecosystem picture of a solar farm grazed by sheep or cattle look like? That’s precisely the question that Anna Clare Monlezun (Graze LLC) and the teams at Silicon Ranch, White Oak Pastures, Colorado State University, Quanterra Systems, and National Renewable Energy Laboratory have set out to answer in their collaborative research…

CFAR Solar Grazing Workshop: October 2024

Join us for a three-day workshop on solar grazing, an innovative approach to sustainable land use that combines renewable energy production with responsible livestock grazing. Led by experts from White Oak Pastures and solar site owners/managers, this unique experience offers a deep dive into the intricacies of solar grazing and its integration into diverse farm…

ALB Pennsylvania Solar Grazing Workshop: Fall 2024

The American Lamb Board just announced their fall Certified Solar Grazing Training Workshop for Pennsylvania! Fall Workshop Details: From their announcement: The rapid expansion of utility-scale solar farms and the need for effective vegetation management have created a growing demand for sheep grazing as a natural solution. Sheep grazing is increasingly being used in solar…