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ASGA Call 66 Replay: Opportunities for Solar Wool Part II – Soil Stability and Erosion Control for Renewable projects

By ASGA / May 5, 2023 /

For our second webinar on potential markets for solar wool, Rob Ament (Montana State University’s Western Transportation Institute) explored the market opportunities for using U.S. wool fiber in erosion control products, which are used to stabilize weak soil. 

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ASGA Call 65 Replay: Preparing for Utility-Scale Solar Grazing in the Northeast with Targeted & Mob Grazing Experts

By ASGA / April 12, 2023 /

What do solar graziers in New England and the Northeast need to know to prepare for grazing at scale? As a follow up to our March webinar on large-scale solar…

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Recording: Third Annual Membership Meeting of the American Solar Grazing Association

By ASGA / March 29, 2023 /

dfds Last year was an incredible year of growth for solar grazing and ASGA. At the annual meeting, ASGA’s leadership team highlighted ASGA’s achievements from 2022 and previewed the exciting…

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ASGA Call #64 Replay: Large-Site Solar Grazing in CA and TX, What Graziers Need to Know (Panel Discussion)

By ASGA / March 3, 2023 /

What does it take to manage a utility scale grazing operation and how do you get started? What are the roadblocks and what are the success stories? The U.S. is…

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ASGA Call #63 Replay: Pollinator Friendly Solar Sites with MNL

By ASGA / February 22, 2023 /

What are the benefits of pollinator friendly solar sites? How does it impact grazing? Pollinator habitats continue to be an important issue for solar site development, both for their potential…

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ASGA Call #62 Replay: Unlocking the Future of Agrivoltaics in New Jersey with Rutgers University

By ASGA / January 5, 2023 /

We kicked 2023 off with an in-depth discussion of the agrivoltaics programs at Rutgers University and the agrivoltaics situation in New Jersey generally. David Specca, Dr. Mike Westendorf, Dr. A. J. Both, and Dr. Clint Burgher from Rutgers University discussed the exciting agrivoltaics and grazing research projects that the university’s NJ Ag Experiment Station (NJAES) is developing with funding from the state’s recently passed Dual-use Solar Act (2021). 

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ASGA Call #61 Replay: Planning for an Agrivoltaics Future with Encore Renewable Energy

By ASGA / December 9, 2022 /

How can innovative agrivoltaics programs address local community concerns, including impacts on agricultural land? What does the future of agrivoltaics look like from the perspective of a solar and energy…

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Meet ASGA’s New Executive Director, Ryan Kelliher!

By ASGA / December 7, 2022 /

We’re excited to announce that Ryan Kelliher has been appointed as the new executive director of the American Solar Grazing Association.  Ryan has been in the solar industry since 2015, where he…

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ASGA Call #60 Replay: Is It Time for Solar Wool? A Practical Conversation on Wool Production at Solar Sites (Part 1)

By ASGA / November 7, 2022 /

How viable is grazing wool sheep on solar sites? Does wool production have the potential to help make grazing more economically sustainable? What are potential benefits and challenges to implementation?…

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ASGA Call #59 Replay: Agrivoltaics and Solar Development that Benefits Communities and Ecosystems with Brian Ross, Great Plains Institute

By ASGA / October 6, 2022 /

In our October webinar, the Great Plains Institute’s (GPI) Brian Ross led a wide-ranging discussion on the challenges facing solar expansion and the benefits solar can offer local communities, ecosystems,…

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ASGA Call #58 Replay: High Quality Forage & Cool-Season Hay at Solar Sites with Ohio State

By ASGA / September 12, 2022 /

For our September 2022 webinar (09/07), Christine Gelley and James Morris from Ohio State Extension gave us a fantastic, detailed presentation about their experiments with cool-season hay and other high…

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The American Solar Grazing Association (ASGA) was appalled to learn of a case of alleged animal cruelty involving the deaths of 15 sheep on a solar electric site in Vermont

By ASGA / September 2, 2022 /

The American Solar Grazing Association was founded to research, identify, and promote best practices in animal husbandry and grazing on solar sites. ASGA was appalled to learn of a case…

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ASGA Call #57 Replay: NYSERDA’s New Dual-Use Strategies

By ASGA / August 11, 2022 /

Jeremy Wyble (NYSERDA) and Jessica Bacher (Pace Law) joined us to present NYSERDA’s recently-released 2022 Smart Solar Siting Scorecard. They discussed the strategies that the scorecard establishes for co-utilization solar…

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ASGA Call #56 Replay: July 13, SEIA Explains the U.S. Solar Panel Tariff Investigation

By ASGA / July 18, 2022 /

For this special second July call, Amir Yazdi from SEIA walked us through the anti-dumping tariff investigation on solar panel imports that has caused widespread disruptions to the solar industry.…

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ASGA Call #55 Replay: July 5th, ASGA’s New Solar Grazing Map

By ASGA / July 9, 2022 /

Need to find a solar site to graze? Looking for graziers to bring their herds to your solar site? ASGA is launching a new version of our Solar Grazing Map…

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ASGA Call #54 Replay: June 1st, Cornell Solar Sheep Update with Pollinator and Vegetation Experts

By ASGA / June 3, 2022 /

The folks from Cornell are back with the latest updates on their ongoing solar grazing research project. Professors John Losey, an insect scientist, and Antonio DiTommaso, a weed scientist, led…

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